Hi. My name is Nicole Wright – a mom, mug, fresh flowers and candle lover. I am also…

Certified Life Coach, Master Trainer and Self-Leadership Expert, who has dedicated the last 14years to training, coaching and mentoring in corporate Canada as well as women around the world.

I am obsessed and fiercely committed with personal development and helping  professional women 40 and over set clear compelling goals, redesign their life and reach for MORE

My passion is helping women get MORE of whatever they desire—more love, more sex, more exercise, more influence, more meaningful friendships, more quality conversations, more job opportunities, or more time with God, or “me “time to put your leg up and sip on prosecco with a book in your hands wrapped in a cozy blanket. I believe if you desire it, then you can design it.

But I wasn’t always this purposeful, passionate, or empowered. In fact, there was a time not too long ago when I, too, was settling for less rather than magnetically manifesting more.


My healing journey not only brought me to my proverbial knees. It cracked me open to a deeper, more determined version of self. One who became unwavering in my need for more passion, purpose, joy, and fulfillment. One night I asked myself… “Nicole, if these were truly your last days on earth, could you say you lived a fulfilled life? Did you live your “more”? Or could you have had more, been more, given more?” My answers saddened me. I wasn’t living my “more” and I needed that to change.

I realized I didn’t have more of anything in my life. My life was robotic and I felt like a puppet that allowed other people to pull my strings. I was really living my life based off what I had allowed others to prescribe for me. I had never taken the opportunity to tap into my more. I pretended to be happy and jolly, filling in the gaps of my soul with material things. I remained in friendships that were not serving me and spent a lot of my time maintaining those friendships. I was in more debt because I was spending more money to buy material things to try to feel the void that existed within me. I was at a job I hated, but I believed people would judge me if I did something more suitable for my personality. I was unhappy, but people really couldn’t see it. I was hiding behind the mask.


But on the inside, my soul was empty.

My soul kept calling out to me to spend more of my time as I liked. But it was not just one thing. I wanted more freedom. I wanted to take advantage of more opportunities in my life so that I could have the things I craved. I wanted to spend more time with God. I wanted to spend more time with myself to figure out who I was and who I was becoming.

I also wanted more quality friendships. I wanted more stimulating conversations. I wanted more of me to show up authentically, without putting myself in a box. I wanted to walk more boldly and say no to the things that did not define me and yes to more of the things my soul needed. I wanted more fulfillment from the real things in life, not from material things.

The work paid off.


Now, I am in a place in space where I am able to identify when there is a deficit. I am able to create the things that I want. I no longer pretend. I show up authentically. I am no longer wearing the mask that other people enjoyed. I am no longer pleasing people just to have someone around me. I no longer commit to things that are not in alignment with where I am going.

Now, I feel free. I spend more time with myself unapologetically and practice self leadership. I have created a life that is less stressful, less pretentious, and drama free. My journey for settling for MORE has taken me to a place of inner peace. It has taken me to a place of being comfortable and confident with who I am and how I show up. And I have strengthened my mind to automatically tap into the thought that I am more than enough anytime negative thoughts creep in.

Now, I unapologetically own who I am and this opens opportunities for me. I have realized that things that are not meant for me have automatically started falling off. I am more compassionate with people and connect authentically. And I am satisfied internally because I no longer feel the need to be wanted, liked or accepted by everybody.

Now, I am able to stand in the truth of who I am, choosing only to walk towards people and opportunities that are in alignment with the joy and peace my soul had been seeking.